About Me

Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Name Riza indriyastanti Study On UMY Date of Birth 29 11 1992 Adress Bojongan, Tegeswetan, Kepil,Wonosobo,Jawa Tengah

Learning English Together

Lia       : Hello Janatri, Long time no see nice to meet you.
Tri        : Hello Lia, nice to meet you too,hmmm how are you today?
Lia       : I am fine, thank you. And you?
Tri        : I am fine too. How about your holiday?
Lia       : My holiday is very fun, because I take a vocation with my family.
Tri        : What are you doing with your family?

Lia  : We weregardeningtogether and We were visitmy grandfather and grandmother.
Tri        : It is very interesting, hmm.. I miss my family in Lampung very much.
Lia       : Hmm.. I know that. How about your holiday when you inLampung?
Tri      : Usually, Iwent to tourism place in Lampung with my family. Tourism places in Lampung are so beautiful.
Lia       : How many of tourism places in Lampung?
Tri      :Oh,,, many tourism places in Lampung, such as Teluk Kiluan in Tanggamus, Krui beach in Krui, Way Kambas National Park and Wihara Thay Hin Bio, Bagus beach, Monumen Krakatau in Bandar Lampung.
Lia       : Woww...Many tourism places, Where the place that you have visit?
Tri        : I have visit to Way Kambas National Park and Monumen Krakatau.
Lia       : Can you tell about Way Kambas National Park and Monumen Krakatau?
Tri   : Yes, of course.Way Kambas National Park is a national park elephant protection and elephant conservation centre, because elephant in Sumatra dwindling and in dangerous.
Lia       : How about Monumen Krakatau?
Tri     : Monumen Krakatau is monument that built to remember eruption of Mount Krakatau in 1883 and now, this monumen be used to tourism place in Bandar Lampung. How about java..? how many tourism place that java have..??
Lia       :  Many tourism place of Central Java, such as......
            Borobudur tample,parangtritis beach,yogyakarta kraton,musium merapi    mountain,monjali,kaliurang,prambanan tempel and more much again.
Tri     : ohh amazing,i know it because i like traveling. when i was child in java, i was often recreation  with my parents.But i don’t know all about tourism in java, and i hope i can know them.
Lia    : Do you want to know about tourism places of java, I can help you to know about it.
Tri    : Are you sure..???
Lia   : Yes Im sure,what the place that you want to visit..???
Tri    : I want to visit every beach of java,becaus i like beach very much.
Lia   : Do you want to visit the other places of beach..???
Tri    : Eeemmm..,,mybe i want to go museum merapi mountain,because i want see the effect of Merapi erruption.
Lia   : Ok..,,i will accompany you go to the all of these places.
Tri   : thank you..,,you are very kaind person,maybe the other time i can bring you, go to the tourism places in Lampug.
Lia  : Realy..,,,,? Ohh i hope we can do it.
Tri  : Me too, just pray.
Lia  : Ok,  thank you for your story.
Tri   : you are welcome!

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