About Me

Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Name Riza indriyastanti Study On UMY Date of Birth 29 11 1992 Adress Bojongan, Tegeswetan, Kepil,Wonosobo,Jawa Tengah

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Kelebihan Boyband dan Girlsband Korea


    Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membahas kelebihan GB dan BB Korea yang sangat jarang dimiliki BB dan GB kita. Langsung saja mari kita lihat apa kelebihannya.
Kelebihan BB dan GB Korea yang peertama adalah mereka adalah orang- orang pekerja keras itu dibuktikan dengan adanya masa training, sebelum mereka menjadi BB/GB mereka telah

The sample of speech

Asalamualaikum wr. Wb

Ladies and gentlement !

I have a neighbor. His name is Jafar and, I call him Mr. Jafar. Mr. Jafar is a household. But, Mr. Jafar's familiy are not rich, they are poor family. Mr. Jafar’s job is farmer so; he just has revenue if his farm is successfull. One day his son got appendicitis and Mr. Jafar must bring his son to go hospital because his son must get surgery. But, in that time Mr. Jafar didn’t have money even one hundred thousand. And finally Mr. Jafar brought his son to the hospital with JAMKESMAS. But what happened? The doctor said that they can't do surgery for Mr. Jafar's son because if he wanted to do surgery he must pay minimum guarantee and it was not sufficient if he only used JAMKESMAS. When Mr.Jafar's son was in the hospital he also got different service from the common people. And unfortunately Mr.Jafar son was passed away. Ladies and gentlement I think it occurrs because in this country, the system of health is not good enough and still needs more good system.
     And I strongly believe that

Kutipan Tentang Persahabatan dan Cinta


Saya pernah membaca sebuah buku karya Alfred B. Jogo Ena dan buku itu berjudul Cinta dan Persahabatan Sejati. Sangat sesuai dengan judulnya buku itu membahas tentang apa itu persahabatan dan cinta. Sangatlah menarik menurutku, karena dari buku tersebut saya jadi tahu sedikit tentang apa itu persahabatan dan cinta. Dan saya akan mengutip kembali kalimat yang menarik dari buku tersebut.


I have a friend that is very closed to me. Each of us have favorite thing that we always bring anytime and everywhere. My friend’s favorite thing is hand watch and my favorite thing is bag. Both of them have diffrences and similarities. Although, these things have diffrences but these things also have similarities that very special for us. I would explain about the diffrences of these things like, the shape and use. Then, I will

Kekonyolan Tanggal Kelahiranku!!!


Hai kawan namaku Riza Indriyastanti, ehmmmm panggil aja aku, terserah kalian ! tinggal pilih ya! Riza, Risa, Riya, Ris, Reza itu semua panggilan yang orang-orang gunakan buat aku, tau kenapa,,,, aneh ya hmmm memeang aneh. Apalagi nama akrab aku yang biasa temen-temen dan keluarga aku gunain yaitu: Potter, dan Deppok. Mau tau alasannya?