About Me

Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Name Riza indriyastanti Study On UMY Date of Birth 29 11 1992 Adress Bojongan, Tegeswetan, Kepil,Wonosobo,Jawa Tengah

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


I have a friend that is very closed to me. Each of us have favorite thing that we always bring anytime and everywhere. My friend’s favorite thing is hand watch and my favorite thing is bag. Both of them have diffrences and similarities. Although, these things have diffrences but these things also have similarities that very special for us. I would explain about the diffrences of these things like, the shape and use. Then, I will
share special similarities of these things. It is the meaning of these things for us.
Both of our favorite things there are the diffrences. First is in the sahpe, my bag is big, it can to use bring much things. My bag’s color is brown. My bag is hevay altough, there not things inside. But, my friend’s hand watch are small, black color, light in weight and it can use to timer. The second diffrences is my bag is aksesori to use in the back but, hand watch is aksesoi to use in the hand.
    Although, both of them different but these also have similarities. First, my bag and my friend’s hand watch are things that can we bring anywhere. Second, the color of our favorite things are same kind, it is dark color. Third, our favorite things is same as give much fungtion for us. The last similarities is the meaning of those things. Our favorite things(bag and hand watch) contains the meaning of compassion, because both of us bought our favorite things with our family and bought it with our self money.
     In my conclission although, our favorite things are different but our favorite things also have similarities that make our friendship more closed and both of us more like our favorite thing.

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