About Me

Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Name Riza indriyastanti Study On UMY Date of Birth 29 11 1992 Adress Bojongan, Tegeswetan, Kepil,Wonosobo,Jawa Tengah

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


             I have lovely pet, my lovely pet is a cat. My cat’s name is Puspus. Puspus is one of the kind village cats. Puspus is very amusing. Puspus is also little spoiled, and Puspus little fierce, but Puspus is very cute. It’s not just my statements because I have much reason about it. Let’s check my reason.

    Di atas adalah gambar saya dan kawan kawan ketika  sedang mengerjakan tugas, yaitu interview foreign people. Jadi dengan senang hati kami mencari foreign nya di Borobudurhttp;//rizaborobudur29.com